пятница, 21 февраля 2014 г.

Passive Voice

Put the verbs in the brackets into Past Indefinite, Past Continuous  Passive, Present Indefinite or Present Continuous Passive form. 

1. The student (ask) to tell the story again. 2. While the professor (speak) no sound was uttered (произносить).3. A modern tune (play ) when we came into the hall.4.Every morning the boys (tell) what they had to do. 5. I sat down for a rest while the repairs (do). 6. At last the problem (solve) to everyone's satisfaction. 7. The life of man (change) by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century. 8. A week ago two students of our group (choose) for jury service(присяжные заседатели). 9. The game (play) with great zest (интерес) by both teams.10.Last Friday  he (meet) at the railway station. 11. When Tom was young, he (teach) two languages. 12 Such  mistakes (make) by even the best students. 13. The houses (build) of stone, brick and wood. 14. A new museum now (open). 15. A special rule (make) for students to be taken to the University.

Translate the sentences into English

1.Эта книга скоро будет переиздана. 2. Меня прервал Джон. 3. Было 7 часов, и зал уже был наполнен. 4. Аню спрашивали, когда я вошла в комнату, где шел экзамен. 5. К концу этой недели его имя будет известно каждому. 6. Он узнает, почему его туда посылают. 7. Тебя могут спросить. 8. Ну, я прощен? 9. Его давно не видели.10. Пока готовился завтрак, мать подошла к постели ребенка.

понедельник, 10 февраля 2014 г.

London Dungeon

The London Dungeon is a London tourist attraction, which recreates various gory (кровавый) and macabre (жуткий) historical events in a gallows  humour (мрачный юмор) style aimed at younger audiences. It uses a mixture of live actors, special effects and rides.
Opening in 1974, it was initially designed as a museum of macabre history, but the Dungeon has evolved (изменилось в ) to become an actor-led, interactive experience. The Dungeon is operated by Merlin Entertainments. In 2013, the London Dungeon moved from its premises on Tooley Street to a new location near County Hall and the London Eye.
The London Dungeon was founded in 1974 by Annabel Geddes. It was initially designed as a museum of macabre history depicting(изображать) gory scenes. Early characters included BoudiccaMary Tudor and Thomas Beckett and had scenes from the Norman Conquest. Over the years the Dungeon has changed into an actor-led, interactive experience with both humorous and light horror elements. London’s first ever indoor water ride was installed at the venue (место проведения или сбора)in 1997. Kunick Leisure Group owned The Dungeons company during the 1980s, before it was bought by Vardon in 1992. In 1999 Vardon became the Merlin EntertainmentsGroup following a management buyout led by Nick Varney.

Музей мадам Тьюссо

Музей мадам (фр. Madame Tussauds) — музей восковых фигур в лондонском районе Мэрилебон, имеющий филиалы в 14 городах (по состоянию на 2013 годАмстердамеЛас-ВегасеНью-ЙоркеЛос-АнджелесеГонконгеШанхаеВашингтонеВене и Берлине. Он был учреждён скульптором Марией Тюссо.Мария Тюссо (1761—1850), девичья фамилия Гросхолтц (Grosholts), родилась в Страсбурге, её мать работала экономкой у доктора Филлипа Кёртиса, занимавшегося восковыми моделями. Он обучил Марию Тюссо искусству по работе с воском. В 1765 году она сделала восковую фигуру Марри Жанны Дюбари.
Первая выставка восковых работ Филлипа Кёртиса состоялась в 1770 году и пользовалась большим успехом. В 1776 году выставка состоялась в Пале-Рояль в Париже. Следующая выставка на бульваре дю Тампль в 1782 явилась предшественником Кабинета ужасов.
В 1777 году Мария Тюссо создаёт свою первую восковую фигуру (Вольтер), а затем последовали Жан-Жак РуссоБенджамин Франклин. Во время французской революции она сделала посмертные маски королевской фамилии. После смерти в 1794 Филлипа Кёртиса его коллекция переходит к Марии Тюссо.
В 1802 году Мария Тюссо переезжает в Лондон. В связи с англо-французской войной Мария Тюссо и её коллекция не могут вернуться во Францию и она вынуждена была путешествовать по Великобритании и Ирландии. В 1835 году была учреждена первая постоянная выставка на Бейкер-стрит в Лондоне.
Одной из центральных частей её музея был Кабинет ужасов. Часть выставки включала жертв французской революции, фигуры убийц и других преступников.
Со временем коллекция пополнилась фигурами других знаменитых людей, таких как адмирал НельсонВальтер Скотт.
В 1884 году коллекция переезжает на Мэрилебон-роуд. А в 1925 году пожар уничтожил многие фигуры. Формы не пострадали, и фигуры были реконструированы.

Достопримечательности Лондона

Достопримечательности Лондона

Лондон – город, который невозможно сравнить ни с каким другим в мире. Его считают столицей не только Великобритании, но и всего Британского Содружества, в состав которого входят 53 независимые страны. Банк Англии с Лондонской фондовой биржей, Гринвичская обсерватория в предместье Лондона, через которую проходит нулевой меридиан – все это дает право Лондону претендовать на звание столицы мира.

Имперская помпезность и размах чувствуются во всем - в торжественной смене караула возле Букингемского дворца, в величественных зданиях Вестминстерского аббатства и Тауэра, в существовании множества музеев, галерей и другихдостопримечательностей Лондона, в многоводном течении Темзы, перебраться через которую вам поможет разводной Тауэрский мост. Здесь самое старое метро в мире, телефонные будки красного цвета и полицейские в шлемах. Но насколько Лондон консервативен, настолько он и весел и игрив. О его ночной жизни сложили легенды: бесчисленное количество ресторанов, дорогих ночных клубов и баров не перестают гудеть до самого утра.

Одним из символов Лондона является красный двухэтажный автобус. Раньше он не имел дверей, а лишь открытую платформу сзади, на которую запрыгивали на ходу. Сейчас пассажиров возят автобусы Рутмастеры нового поколения, но традиционно красного цвета. Лондон космополитический город, который объединил иммигрантов всех цветов кожи из разных стран (особенно много здесь выходцев из Индии). По утрам лондонские улицы разноцветные, похожие на восточную ярмарку.

Сделать обзор основных достопримечательностей Лондона очень трудно, ведь их несметное множество.

Биг Бен – самый характерный для Лондона символ, знаменитая башня с часами в Вестминстерском дворце. Высота башни – 100 метров. Еще с 1959 года часы на башне показывают гостям столицы и горожанам точное время. Во всех уголках огромного города слышен бой курантов. Крепость Тауэр один из символов города, популярный среди туристов объект, хотя веселым это место не назовешь – все-таки бывшая тюрьма. В настоящее время вместо тюрьмы здесь оружейная палата с библиотекой и музеем, а так же сокровищами британской короны. Британский музей – один из самых старых в мире (основан в 1756 году). В главном историко–археологическом музее страны собраны коллекции не только местных, но и привезенных со всего мира экспонатов.

Известные политики и философы, актеры и певцы, герои и знаменитости собрались в царстве воска и умелых рук - Музее Мадам Тюссо. Это всемирная экспозиция, имеющая филиалы во всех крупных городах мира. Здесь вам обязательно понадобится фотоаппарат, чтобы сняться на память с Томом Крузом или обняться с Маргарет Тэтчер, а потом разыгрывать наивных друзей.

Главный парк города Гайд-парк - любимое место отдыха горожан. Раньше здесь был лес для королевской охоты, который со временем поредел и был трансформирован в парковую зону. Здесь можно искупаться в озере Серпентайн, посмотреть картинную галерею с таким же именем, Эльфийский дуб со сказочными рисунками на нем, арку и музей Веллингтона. В Гайд-парке установлена первая в Британии обнаженная скульптура – статуя Ахиллеса. Парк является местом крупных городских и национальных мероприятий, летом здесь бывает достаточно людно.

Огромный королевский Парк Гринвич знаменит Королевской обсерваторией, по территории которой проходит Нулевой меридиан, разделивший планету Земля на два полушария – Восток и Запад. Меридиан покрашен блестящей краской и считается, что постоять на нем – хорошая примета, рекомендуется даже загадать желание. В Парке Гринвич расположился рынок сувениров, здесь есть удобные места для пикника, а пушистые забавные белочки бегают по гринвичским веткам. В знаменитом Вестминстерском аббатстве короновали всех королей Британии, а совсем недавно венчали принца Уильяма с Кейт Миддлтон. Это здание – архитектурный памятник, который поражает своими роскошью и размерами. У стен дворца хоронили монарших особ, великих поэтов, высокопоставленных служителей церкви. Здесь покоятся Чарльз Диккенс, Уильям Шекспир, Уинстон Черчиль и др. С 135- метровой высоты Лондонского глаза - огромного колеса обозрения у берега реки Темза, раскрывается бесподобный вид на город. Колесо было построено в начале третьего тысячелетия. Лондонский глаз совершает один оборот за 30 минут, а скорость у него небольшая – 0,9 км в час. Все 32 кабинки (столько пригородов у Лондона) имеют сидячие места и кондиционер. В кабину могут подать по желанию шампанское, вино, шоколад. Можно заказать гида, который расскажет про все видимые с высоты достопримечательности Лондона. Ночью London Eye подсвечивается.

Вот такой он Лондон – загадочный город, куда хочется ехать вновь и вновь, чтобы каждый раз познать и увидеть что-то новое.

воскресенье, 9 февраля 2014 г.

Грамматический материал 10 класс

Active Voice
Passive Voice
Pr. Simple



Pr. Perfect Continuous

Past Simple

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple

Future Continuous

Future Perfect

Future Perfect Countinuos


Mass media (for 10th A form)

Mass media plays an important role in the life of society. The most important means of media include radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. These sources inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media forms public opinion.
Newspapers, magazines and TV programs for youth reflect the young people's hopes and wishes, their leisure and education, their attitudes and opinions. Everybody can find there something interesting for him.
 On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions or commentaries of current events.
Newspapers provide us with the latest news, current events, comment and background information.
The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV.
  We can hardly imagine our life without TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet. They provide us with political and other important information, entertain and give food for thought.  They offer us different programmes to satisfy all tastes. Besides, they can save us a lot of time, money and efforts, keeping aware of what is happening in the world around us.
  We can't imagine our life without TV, radio, newspapers, the Internet. They are important for us.

пятница, 7 февраля 2014 г.

Passive Voice 10 th form

  Passive Voice

                   Change the following sentences into Passive Voice

1. He stole a lot of money from the shop.
2. By six o’clock they had finished the work.
3. At twelve o’clock the workers were loading the trucks.
4. By three o’clock the workers had loaded the trucks.
5. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year.
6. They will show this film on TV.
7. They are building a new concert hall in our street.
8. I bought potatoes yesterday.
9. We will bring the books tomorrow.
10. They are repairing  the clock now.
11. They sell milk in the shop.
12. I have translated the whole text.
13. They broke the window last week.
14. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets.
15. We will do the work in the evening.
16. He wrote this book in the 19th century.
17. They were playing tennis from four till five.
18. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory.
19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century.
20. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.
21. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season.
22. They have forgotten the story.
23. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you?
24. We haven’t brought back our skates.

Places to visit in London - (text) 6, 7 forms

Places to visit in London
London draws people from all over the world. Some come on business, while others come to study, work or on holiday. London is naturally a very English city and it is very cosmopolitan, containing goods, food and entertainment, as well as people, from many countries of the world.
London spreads its influence over much of the southern areas of England, giving work to millions of people who live not only in the inner city areas but in surrounding districts.
There is much in London which fascinates visitors and inspires the affection of Londoners: the splendor of the royal palaces and the Houses of Parliament, the dignity of St. Paul's Cathedral and as well as many monuments and beautiful parks.
London shows examples of buildings that express all the different periods of its history.
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Sovereign. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its courtyard. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.
Piccadilly Circus has become an important meeting point – for locals as well as sightseers. At its heart is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winded archer, known as Eros, the pagan god of love.
This area is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops.
Whitehall is a street in central London running from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament and containing many important buildings and government offices, such as the Treasury and Admiralty. In the centre of the roadway stands the Cenotaph, the memorial to the fallen of both world wars. The Prime Minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street is directly connected to Whitehall.
London is always full of life. The streets are crowded with traffic. High 'double-decker' buses rise above the smaller cars and vans.
The city of London today is the financial powerhouse of the country and one of the chief commercial centers of the western world.
The city has its own Lord Major, its own Government and its own police force. Here the medieval buildings stand side by side with modern glass high-rise offices.
The parks of London provide a welcome contrast to the great built-up areas. St.James's Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together. They form 313 hectares of open parkland in the heart of London.

вторник, 4 февраля 2014 г.

Конспект урока нетрадиционной формы по теме « Страны и континенты»

 Конспект урока нетрадиционной формы по теме
 « Страны и континенты»

Цель урока:                Совершенствование умений и навыков монологической и диалогической
                     речи  учащихся на уроке нетрадиционной формы по теме
« Страны и  континенты»
Задачи:                        Умение учащихся выражать свое мнение по данной теме, задавать друг другу
                     вопросы, умение поддержать беседу и понимать подобную информацию на
                     Использование учащимися  лексики по данной теме, а также умение  
                     пользоваться  географической картой и другим наглядным  материалом,
                     например, флаги  разных стран и т.д
                     Умение учащихся называть континенты и страны, расположенные на этих
                      континентах, правильно  называть столицы, национальности живущих там
                      людей, язык, на котором они говорят, узнавать флаг страны и сказать
                      несколько слов о нем.
урока:                             Доска, учебник и рабочая тетрадь (УМК Учебное издание серия
                       «Английский в фокусе» Ваулина Юлия Сергеевна, Дули Дженни,
                       Подольяко Ольга Евгеньевна, Эванс Вирджиния Английский язык 6 класс
                       Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений.), страницы учебник

                                                   ХОД УРОКА

I.Вступительное слово: Учитель

   Dear friends,
I’m glad to see you at our conference today. I see here are a lot of guests here from different countries. They will tell us about their countries and customs, their traditional food and famous people. I hope our conference will be very interesting and useful for all of us.
    So, let me introduce Mr… from…

II. Основная часть

Учащиеся рассказывают о своих странах,  культуре, традициях, географическом положении, главных городах, символах и т.д.
Во время этого они могут задавать друг другу интересующие их вопросы.
-         What is the traditional food in your country?
-         What famous places of interest are there?

После выступления всех представителей, учитель делает заключение:
Thank you very much for your interesting information. I’m sure you all liked it as now you know what people eat and drink in different countries, what are their traditional clothes …
 So, let’s check our knowledge about countries and people living there, answering my questions.

1)      How many continents do you know?(There are six continents)
2)      What are they? (Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, Antarctic.)
3)      How many countries are there in Africa? What are they? Show them on the map.
4)      Look at the map now. What can you say about it? (It’s the map of France)
5)      What is the smallest country in the world? (Vatican in Italy)
6)      What is the largest country in the world?(The Russian Federation)
7)      What are the national symbols of Russia?(The National Flag of Russia, The Birch Tree, Matrioshka ..)
8)      Where is Russia situated?

Now look at the blackboard. Make-up the words from these mixed letters and then read them:
1)      n a d a ca;(Canada)
2)       u s s i a r; (Russia)
3)      n c e f r a; (France)
4)       i y a t l; (Italy)
5)      a  i u t s a l r a (Australia)

You know that different people speak different languages. What languages are spoken in these countries?
1)      Russian is spoken in Russia;
2)      French is spoken in France;
3)      English is spoken in England;
4)      German is spoken in Germany;
5)      Arabic is spoken in Egypt;
6)      Chinese is spoken in China;
7)      Hindi is spoken in India;

 Thank you. And the last question- What food is eaten in different countries?
1)      Pancakes are eaten in Russia;
2)      Rice is eaten in China and Japan;
3)      Turkey is eaten in America on Thanksgiving Day;
4)      Frogs are eaten in France;
5)      Pudding is eaten in Great Britain.

III. Подведение итогов и оценка работы учащихся

At the end of our lesson I want to put some marks for the lesson today for the most active students.
Поставить оценки самым активным учащимся на уроке и озвучить это.

IV. Home task (Домашнее задание)

Thank you everybody for our today's lesson.

Учебно-методическое пособие для учащихся 5-11 классов по теме «Ролевая игра на уроках английского языка как средство повышения мотивации учащихся»

Учебно-методическое пособие для учащихся 5-11 классов по теме
 «Ролевая игра на уроках английского языка как средство повышения мотивации  

Карточка №1 «Как пройти к./ How to get to …» (6 класс – Spotlight, Module 2)

Задание: Составить мини-диалог. Учащимся раздаются карточки с  несколькими ключевыми словами, и затем они составляют по ним диалоги. (Такое задание можно предложить неуспевающим учащимся). Например:

Make up a dialogue, using the following words and phrases:

Предполагаемый диалог.

P1: underground;
       bus stop;
       the nearest;
P1: Excuse me, please.
P2: Yes. What can I do for you?
P1: Can’t you tell me where the nearest     underground station is?
P2: Oh, it’s rather easy. Go straight to the bus stop, and then take 36 trolley bus. Get on the sixth stop off. You’ll see the traffic lights. And then turn to the left and you are at the nearest underground station.
P1: Thanks a lot!
P2: You are welcome!
P2: walk two blocks;
      take 36 trolley- bus;
      get off on the..;
      traffic lights

Карточка № 2
Урок ролевой игры по тексту домашнего чтения. Например:
 Один из учащихся в роли автора объявляет название рассказа (сказки)
         «The country mouse and the town mouse”
Задание: Учащиеся заранее делают костюмы героев,  используют зарисовки или игрушки.
После слов автора мышонок начинает озвучивать свою роль:
Hi! Let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Country Mouse. I live in a small cottage in the country. I like to live here. You know, my cottage is warm and comfortable….
Можно нарисовать коттедж и показать его во время выступления.

Карточка № 3

Задания находятся в конверте, подготовленные заранее учителем. Учащиеся  открывают конверт и достают карточки с заданиями. В данном случае учащийся может вытянуть любую роль из текста. Например:

Hi! My name is Sachkin Pachkin. Tell your classmates about me, my character, my appearance, where I live and if I have any friends.
Imagine that you are William Shakespeare. What would you like to tell about? (9th form – Spotlight , Module 5)
 Карточка №4   «Beautiful Buildings in Russia»  (9th form- Spotlight  on  Russia , Module )
 Situation - Red Square
P1:- You are a guide. Tell about one of the places of interest in Red Square.
P2:- You are a foreign tourist. Ask the guide about the date and architects of St. Basil’s Cathedral

Карточка  №5  «Sightseeing trip in London»   (6th form- Spotlight, Module2 )
  1. The group of students tells about the sights of London. They have the guides’ roles.
  2. The other students should ask them questions during the excursion.
                        Предполагаемый диалог
P1:- Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! We welcome you to London today. London is one of the
      largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than
      two thousands years old. London’s famous sights are The Tower Bridge, Big Ben, with
      The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral. You will see all
     these places and much more of London from our Red Double – Decker.
         We will start from Trafalgar Square. On the column in the centre there is a statue to
    Admiral Nelson, who defended the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. To the left of us
    you can see the building of The National Gallery. It has a fine collection of famous European 
 - Excuse me.
 - Yes.
 - How many fountains are there in front of the National Gallery?
 - There are only two beautiful fountains in front of it.

P2:- Now we are approaching to Piccadilly Circus. It is the meeting point of six streets. We
      Have just passed it and now we are making our way to Buckingham Palace. Look to the
      right. We are passing Hyde Park. Here in the park anyone is allowed to say what he or she
     wants. It is very democratic park
       Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It’s the London home of The English Queen. When the
     flag appears on the top of the Palace, it means the Queen is at home. Look! They are
     changing the Guard now. It happens every day at 11.30 am
 - Excuse me
- Yes.
- Is the Queen the head of the country?
- Yes, she is .but the official power belongs to the Prime Minister.

P3: - We have just turned to the left and here you can see St. James’s Park. It is one of the Royal
        Parks. Here you can see the pelicans and ducks. There are also other parks and gardens in
       London.  In Regent’s Park there is a famous London Zoo located. It is one of the biggest
      Zoos in the world. And it’s really worth to visit it.
-         Excuse me
-         Yes
-         What animals live there?
-         Well, among the wild animas living there you can find foxes, bears, lions, and others.

P4: In front of you there is The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben. The Houses of
      Parliament is the main place and building for the British Government. Big Ben is
     one of the most famous clocks in the world.
-         Excuse me
-         Yes                                                                                  
-         What is Big Ben?
-         It’s a tower clock
-         Who was Big Ben built by?
-         It was built by Sir. Benjamin Hall
P5: - In a moment we will see The Westminster Abbey. It is a Royal church. Here you can
        see the tombs of many famous people and also a beautiful Henry VII Chapel.
-Excuse me. How old is the Westminster Abbey?
- It’s about nine thousand years old.

P6: - Now we are crossing The Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see
       The Tower. It the past it was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. But nowadays
       it’s a museum. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The
      black ravens are another famous story. The legend says that without them the Tower will
      fall down. The Raven Master is a person who takes care about them, feeding them, cleaning
      their cages and cutting their wing if necessary.

P7:- Earlier in our tour we have seen a famous Royal Church, The Westminster Abbey. We
       are now making our way to the second famous Royal church to St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is
       the greatest work of the architect  Sir Christopher Wren.
-  How long did it take him to build it?
-  Well, it took him quite long time – thirty five years.

P8: - We are going along the Fleet Street to the Strand. On the right side you will see The
        Covent Garden. It was big fruit and vegetable market before, but nowadays it has
        become a tourist shopping center with endless café’s and restaurants. We’ll stop here
        so that you can do some shopping. And here our tour is finished. Hope that you have
        enjoyed this tour of London. Thank you very much and good- bye!
-         Thank you for your interesting excursion. Bye.


Карточка № 6
Тема: «Покупка жилья/ Buying a house» (5 класс- Spotlight)
P1: - You are an agent of real estate. You should sell these houses. Make-up a dialogue with your partner and act it out.
P2: - You are a buyer. Ask questions the agent of real estate about the houses for sale.
                                                          Предполагаемый диалог
                 P1: A Buyer                                                         P2: Real Estate Agent
- Hello! Are you an agent of real estate agency?
- Hello! Yes, what can I do for you?
- I’d like to buy a house.
- I see. What house would you like to have: we can offer you different types: we have a nice four storey cottage with a swimming pool and there is another one- a country house, which is smaller. You can have a look at them when it’s convenient for you.
- Oh, thanks. Is there any shop near by?
- Yes, there is one store and a bus stop near it.
- Are the neighbors friendly?
- Oh, yes. They are very kind and friendly
- How many rooms are there and what modern conveniences are there?
- Well, there are ten rooms in it: a large hall, a library and a kitchen on the ground floor, four bedrooms with bathrooms, a study and children’s room on the first floor. It has all modern conveniences in this cottage, such as: central heating, gas, electricity, a telephone.
- Sounds nice! I like it. And one more question- is there any garden there?
- Yes, sure. There is a small tidy garden in front of the house. There are a lot of different flowers and trees.
- It’s great. And the last question. How much does it cost?
- The price of this cottage is 300 000 £
- This price suits me. When is the best time to see it?
-If tomorrow is ok, then just give me a ring and I will bring you there to have a look.
- Ok. Then I will see you later. Bye
- Bye



Карточка 7
Тема: « Страны и континенты» (6 класс- Spotlight)
Учащиеся предварительно готовят материал в виде картинок (карты, символы и флаги, а также всякие сувениры)
Задания находятся в конвертах вместе с материалом. Учащиеся выбирают по своему желанию конверты и знакомятся с заданием. Можно разделить их на группы. Первая группа рассказывает о выбранной стране, а участники второй группы задают им вопросы.

Задание №1: You are from Spain. Introduce yourself. Tell us about your flag, where your country is situated, what the capital is, what language is spoken there, symbols and traditions.
-         P1: - Hello! I am Anna. I want invite you to one of the most beautiful counties in Europe- to Spain. The capital of Spain is Madrid. It is situated in the South-West of Europe. The population is about 49 million people. The main language is Spanish. The official Spanish flag has two yellow stripes and one red in the middle. Spain is famous for such well known persons as Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Fernando Torres and others.
-         What are the symbols of Spain?
-         The main symbols are: the flag, short- toed eagle and red carnation
-         What are the traditions in Spain?
-         Flamenco and Bullfight  are one of the traditions                                  (Приложения)


Задание № 2: You are from Canada. Tell about your country, famous people, what languages are spoken there, what are the symbols.

P1: - Hello! My name is Pavel. I’d like to tell you about Canada. Canada is in America. The
       capital of Canada is Ottawa with  the population about 23 million people. The main
        languages are English and French.  Canada occupies the Northern part o America. There are
        many islands there, such as: Victoria island, Newfoundland and others. Canada has its own
       flag: it has one white stripe and to red ones. In the middle there is a symbol of Canada-
       red maple. This is all I wanted to tell about Canada.
-         What are the main rivers in Canada?
-         The main rivers in Canada are Maskenzie, Finlay river and others
-         And what sport is the most popular there?
-         Its of course Ice Hockey                                                  (Приложения)


        Карточка8 (9 класс- Spotlight)

P1:- You are a Russian student. Your British friend wants to know about the life of Russian
        students. Answer his questions.
P2: - You are from Great Britain. You want to know more about your Russian friend’s life. Ask
         him/her about the most popular TV programs in Russia; the main sports played in Russia;
         if she or he celebrates Christmas; if it is easy to travel in and out of Russia; about the most
         common means of transport in Russia.

                                               Предполагаемый диалог.
                        P1: Foreign Student                                   P2: Russian Student
- I am interested in Russian teenagers’ life. Could you tell me, what are the most popular activities, carried out by young people?
- You know, there are a lot of opportunities in Russia for young people to relax, to spend nice time. For example, going to different disco clubs, or just visiting different youth’s clubs.
- I see. I’ like to know what kind of music do Russian teenagers like to listen to?
- Well, nowadays there is rather wide variety of music you can listen to: pop music, classical, opera, jazz and others. But Russian teenagers prefer rap or hard metallic music. Of course, our parents don’t share our interests in it, as they mostly prefer classical music.
- So do English teenagers. Maybe it is because we live in the same time. Okay. But what foreign languages do you learn at school? I’ve heard English is getting more popular now than before.
- You are right. Today English language is very important not only in Russia, but in all over the world. So, in Russia children begin learning it from the kindergarten. But I can’t say other languages are less popular, for example, French, and German also are popular in Russian schools.
- I’m glad to hear it, as English is my mother tongue. And my last question is about what types of cars are popular in Russia nowadays?
- You see, Russia has changed a lot for the last some years. And it’s one of the reasons that life here has changed too. I mean the rate of life. Here are more wealthy people now, running their own business. Of course, you can see a lot of foreign models of cars in our streets such as: “Volvo”, “BMW” and others. But on the other side our cars are not worse than fore in ones. A lot of people buy and use our Russian cars.
- It means you support Russian car production, which is good. Thank you for your interesting answers. Bye.

- You are welcome. I also liked our conversation. Bye.

Карточка  №9
Тема: Russia and Russian people.   (8th form –Spotlight on Russia)

P1: - You are a British teenager. You want to know about Russian nation. Ask about good and   bad characteristics of Russian people, if they keep their traditions.

P2:- Your British friend wonders about Russian nation. Answer his/her questions.

Карточка № 9 

Тема: «Жизнь человека в будущем» (9 класс- Spotlight, Module 4)

P1: - You are an interviewer. Ask the famous scientist:
1.      how the population of the world will change;
2.      if people will have enough food or water;
3.      how people will travel and where they will live;
4.      if people will be happy;
5.      if the climate will change and how.
P2:- You are a famous scientist. Answer the interviewer’s questions about future life

                                         Предполагаемый диалог
                 Dialogue between an interviewer and the famous scientist

P1: an interviewer                                                        P2: a famous scientist
-Good afternoon Mr.…! Today a lot of people are interested in future life. So, I‘d like to ask you some questions to help us.
Well, could you tell about how will the population of the world change in the future?
- Good afternoon. I’m glad you invited me to ask me questions. I will try to do my best.
What about your first question, it’s a good one. You see, in my opinion, the population of the world doesn’t grow enough today. You know, that there are at least two children in the family. So, I think in the nearest future there won’t be a lot of people.
-Thank you. And how do you think, will people have enough food and water?
- It depends on how we today solve environmental problems, because water is getting more polluted, a lot of chemicals are used to grow vegetables. So, it’s difficult to say.
- And the last question. How do you think will people be happier in the future than they are now?
- Mm. Why not!? Today we have a lot of problems and we try not to notice them, or to solve the as soon as possible. And I think people will be cleverer in the future so it will be possible to do it better. I’d like to hope it to be so!
- Thanks Mr. a lot for your interview. May your hopes and wishes come true! Good-bye.

        Карточка № 10  (А)                                                  

        Тема: “The description of the appearance” (6th form Spotlight, Module 1)
        Situation: At the railway station”
P1:- You’ve lost your Granny at the railway station. Ask the policeman to help you to find her.
        Describe your Granny.
P2:- You are a policeman. The little boy wants you to help her. Ask him what he wants, what
        colour her eyes are, what her name is, what she is dressed in, how old she is…

                                                         Предполагаемый диалог     
                     P1: A boy                                                                 P2: A policeman
- Excuse me, Officer.
- Yes, what can I do for you?
- The matter is that, I am looking for my Granny, but I can’t find her. I need your help.
- I see. How old is she?
-She is about sixty with grey hair.
- Well, and what is she dressed in?
- If I am not mistaken, she is dressed in a long red woolen skirt, purple blouse with white stripes, brown leather shoes on low heels.
- Oh, I have just seen your granny at the bus stop. Look! She is still there
- Oh, that’s really her. Thank you very much, Officer! Bye
- Not at all. Have a nice day. Bye

  Картoчка № 10(Б)
  P1:- You are the head of the building company. And you are waiting for your business partner’s
         arrival from Canada. You haven’t got time to meet him personally at the airport. Ask your
         the secretary to do it. Describe him.
  P2:- You are a secretary in a building company. Your Boss asks you to meet Mr. Brown at the
         airport. You have never seen him before. So ask your Boss what colour his eyes are, is he
         tall or small, or if his hair is short or long, what he is dressed in….

                                                  Предполагаемый диалог
     P1: The head of the company                                 P2: The secretary
- Miss Smith, I’d like to ask you to go to the airport to meet my business partner Mr. Brown. We are having a meeting on Tuesday.
- Ok, Mr. Rowdy. But I don’t know him. How can I recognize him? What will he be dressed in?
- I think, he will be dressed in a dark jacket and black trousers, white shirt, a red tie. He’ll also have a brown suitcase. By the way, he is wearing glasses.
- Wearing glasses… ok, and what colour is his hair?
- He has got dark hair.
- Is his hair short or long?
- It’s short.
- And another question. Is he tall or short?
- In my opinion, he is rather tall man.
- And how old is he?
- I think he is about 35.
- I think, I can recognize him.

Карточка № 11 «Travelling”  (8th form-Spotlight, Module 6)
P1: You haven’t seen your friend for a long time. He had a journey to Sevastopol. Ask him how he got there, with whom he went there, where he stayed, how long he spent there and what he did there.
P2: You spent a wonderful time at the seaside. Tell your friend how u got there, where you stayed what activities you did there and who you went there with.

                                        Предполагаемый диалог          
                 P1:                                                                         P2:
- Hello! I haven't seen you for ages!
- Hi! I have been on a wonderful journey to
- Nice! With whom did you go there?
- With my wife?
- How did you get there?
- By fast train.
- How long did it take you to get there?
- It took us about two days to get to our
-When did you arrive there?
-It was early morning
-Where did you go first?
- We took a taxi and went to the hotel.
- Did you stay there for two weeks or more?
- In total we spent there only one week.
- What did you usually do in the evening?
- In the evenings we often walked near the port
   to watch different ships from different
-What was the sea like?
- The sea most of the time was warm and calm.
   No winds. So we spent a lot of time at the
- Have you taken any photos there?
-Yes. I took many nice pictures. I’ll bring them
   tomorrow to show you.
 -It would be wonderful! Then see you later!  

Карточка № 12
Тема: “Moving to a new flat” (6th form Spotlight, Module 2)
P1: -Your friend has got a new flat. Ask him /her what floor it is, how many rooms there are
        what modern conveniences it has, what furniture there is in the living room.
P2: -You’ve got a new flat. Say that you live on the second floor, that there are three rooms in it,
        That you have all modern conveniences there such as: gas, central heating, hot and cold
        running water , electricity etc. Invite her/him to visit your place.

                                      Предполагаемый диалог

      P1:   a friend                                                                                P2:  a new flat’s owner
- Oh, Jane! I know you’ve got a new flat! How
   do you like it?
- Hi Kate! I really like my new flat. It’s so cosy. I think you will like it too.
-What floor is your flat on?
- It’s on the second floor.
- How many rooms are there in it?
- There are three rooms in my new flat: a big living-room, a bedroom and a small study.
- Are there any modern conveniences in your
- Of course. There are all modern conveniences in it such as: central heating, gas, cold and hot running water…
-Which room do you like most of all?
-Well, you know, I think the most comfortable room is our living room. There isn’t much furniture in it. We have a large bookcase near the sofa, opposite the sofa there is a modern wall- unit. In the middle of the room there is a nice brown carpet on the floor. Next to the wall- unit there is a TV set. I think it will be wiser if to come to see me and my new flat some day.
- With a big pleasure! Then wait for me
    tomorrow. Bye.
- Okay! See you later. Bye.

Карточка № 13
Тема: «At the ecological meeting»   8th form –Spotlight, Module 5 Global issues)
P1: -You are the member of the Green Piece Organization. Speak about the environmental
        problems and the ways to solve them.
P2: - You are a hunter. Explain why you kill so many animals. Say if you can the disappearing

                                                      Предполагаемый диалог
 P1: The Greener                                                         P2: the Hunter
-Dear Friends! You know, that today our planet is in a great danger, because many animals are disappearing, many rivers and lakes are polluted with waste products; a lot of trees are cut down.
So, we must protect our planet, we must save disappearing animals and birds, plant new trees and make any kind of attempts to stop polluting rivers and lakes.
-Well, you see some of the wild animals such as tigers and wolves are very dangerous. They can easily kill domestic animals – cows, sheep and others. And sometimes they can also attack people and kill them. That’s why we have to kill some of them; we want to protect people and their domestic animals.

- Yes, but it happens that you often kill them for their skin and fur. The reason is – you get a lot of money for that as the prices are rather high.
- I can’t agree with such statement as not every hunter behaves like that. Of course, we do punish such hunters. We don’t let them hunt after that.
- I think, we both must think about this global problem and do everything possible to solve it. Maybe, we also will be able to save disappearing species if we build special reservations for them that mean they will be taken a good care. And another way- to catch them to live in the different zoos.
-Why not! It’s a good decision. We’ll help you and do everything to make better life for disappearing species.
